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Root Beer World - root beer history, brands, recipes, news
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Das Nub's Belch Krieg Diet

Columbus?, OH

"Belch to your highest joy!"

Hey! I?m Edmond a.k.a Das Nub, and I?m a soda-sipping and belching extraordinaire. So, here?s my story: When my mother was pregnant with me, she would burp a lot. After I was born, my mom and dad would burp around the house and it just seemed like a normal thing. (like it?s not?!) I burped once at a non-competition talent show in 3rd grade only to get written up for it. Later on at a church, one of the choir girls burped really loud in the parking lot, and my dad mentioned to her, ?Remember to belch to your highest joy!? Thus, ?Belch to your highest joy,? is not only a casual phrase but has a spiritual meaning to it as well. There is no limit to the possibility that is within us.

Partial proceeds go to Connor?s Cure, a charitable organization that helps support cutting-edge research at pediatric cancer facilities around the world, while also advocating for increased public funding for pediatric cancer research in the U.S.

Das Nub's Belch Krieg Diet root beer

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