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Root Beer Torte

From Arielle's Recipe Archives

Time:  20 minutes Serves:  12



1 pkg spice cake mix
3/4 cup root beer
4 eggs
1/3 cup cooking oil
1 small vanilla instant pudding
1 pkg Dream Whip (2 envelopes)
1 cup root beer, ice-cold
1 tsp vanilla
Preheat oven to 350° F. Grease and flour two 9" round pans. Mix cake mix, 3/4 cup root beer, eggs, oil and pudding in a large bowl. Bake as directed on package. Chill cake for ease in splitting layers. Split each layer into 2 thin layers.

Combine Dream Whip, ice cold root beer and vanilla in a chilled bowl. Beat as directed on package. Chill cake for ease in splitting layers. Split each layer into 2 thin layers.

Combine Dream Whip, ice cold root beer and vanilla in a chilled bowl. Beat as directed on package. Spread 1 cup of filling between layers of cake with remaining on top. Serve immediately or store in refrigerator until ready to serve.





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